Saturday, September 22, 2012

Photo day

Today I got to do a photo shoot today! So much fun and the place was beautiful.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

So im stuck home so i took some pictures for me portfolio. I have more but im too sure if they were good enough. Its starting to get cold where i live and it inspired me to do this. My eyelashes look so long in the black and white picture.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Alright so I need to stop being so weird. I need to stop looking at everyone's every detail. Seriously, i have the worst habit at looking at someone and noticing everything about them. Its just something I do, I cant really help it. It sounds weird, but I literally can tell if you dance, play any sport, use your hands a lot. I love it and hate it.

I believe its a selfie time...

So I'm in my room looking through my iPhone and I take a bunch of selfies. I think it's a law you have to. Haha...

Day 3

ACT testing sucks so hard. Like I can't even describe to you how he's it is to concentrate. I would just think of something else other then what I needed to think about. My teacher is a complete idiot. She is new and very slow. Now I'm just in class and I'm getting a headache. Today isn't going to be a good day.

I also just want to say I don't think I'm going to volleyball. I feel so bad from last night that I can't. I even cried last night at a game. How embarrassing. I guess I really am a girl. (doesn't help that I'm on my period) but yeah I hate today.

I hate the fact I can read on my iPhone when someone read my message and they don't text back. Seriously you ass hole text me back. Of course when I'm mad at someone thats what I do. Haha jokes on me I guess.

Outfit of the day

This is my ACT prep comfy outfit. The leggings are from and the sweater is from my step dads closet. Today is going to blow.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Ok one more..

Just wanted to put some pictures on here... Lots of these pictures are from game day and just me being me.